
Get Video Feedback on Your Writing

Would you pass the Cambridge Advanced writing exam?

How do I get feedback on my writing?

Do a mock Cambridge Advanced writing exam (2 pieces of writing)

Send your two pieces of writing to Cheryl for correction. Make sure you send a copy of the mock exam questions too.

Your writing must be in a microsoft word or google document so that I can correct it for you. (Not a photo or PDF)

You will receive in-depth video feedback on your 2 pieces of writing, feedback on your strengths and weaknesses, further study suggestions and a grade within 72 hours.

Writing feedback is only for the Cambridge Advanced Exam. Feedback will not be given for FCE,CPE or IELTS.

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Learn the exact technique for all 6 types of Cambridge Advanced Writing tasks

Not sure how to do the Cambridge Advanced writing exam?

Get access to the Academic Writing Skill Complete course (Plus 10 other Advanced English Courses) for only €49 per month. 

Learn simple, step-by-step strategies to full prepare yourself for the Cambridge Advanced exam. 

"I was in many academies... I didn't feel motivated to continue...in no place have I learned as much as I learned with Cheryl."

"I've learnt more vocabulary and grammar in the Use of English Challenge than in other English schools."

"I feel like my level has greatly improved."

"I wouldn't have been able to pass this exam with flying colours without her help."

"Cheryl makes studying easier and enjoyable."

"Everything I needed to increase my level of English preparing for CAE."

"focused material that goes straight to the point, ensuring no time is wasted."

"I thank HER for increasing *my* motivation and self-confidence before taking the exam."

"I got a great score, and it wouldn't have been possible without her help."

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