
The Cambridge Advanced Exam Accelerator

The simple way to prepare for Cambridge Advanced fast.

Your personalised monthly membership course.

course bundle cae

Everything you get when you join the Cambridge Advanced Exam Accelerator today:

For students who are more comfortable working away on their own but still need some support and accountability. Get access to the community and Advanced Accelerator study programme.

SILVER Membership

49 Monthly
  • Access the community
  • C1 Grammar Course
  • Phrasal Verb Fluency Course
  • Advanced Vocabulary Booster Course
  • Use of English Challenge
  • Academic Writing Challenge
  • CAE Reading Course
  • C1 Speaking exam Course
  • Complete C1 Listening Course
  • 3 NEW Monthly Masterminds every month

Gold is for students who want to work with us closer inside our Cambridge Advanced Accelerator Programme. Join the community, weekly speaking classes and Q&A sessions.

GOLD Membership

99 Monthly
  • Weekly Live Speaking Classes
  • Weekly Live Q&A Sessions
  • Book Club with live sessions
  • Access the community
  • C1 Grammar Course
  • Phrasal Verb Fluency Course
  • Advanced Vocabulary Booster Course
  • Use of English Challenge
  • Academic Writing Challenge
  • CAE Reading Course
  • C1 Speaking exam course
  • Complete C1 Listening Course
  • 3 NEW Monthly Masterminds every month

Work with Cheryl in the closest possible format, 1-1 coaching with unlimited writing feedback, weekly exam speaking classes, Q&A sessions and direct access to your coach.

DIAMOND Membership

199 Monthly
  • 1-1 Private Coaching
  • Custom study plans
  • Weekly LIVE speaking + Q&A sessions
  • UNLIMITED Writing Feedback
  • Hand-Picked Training
  • Personalised Feedback
  • Direct access to your coach
  • All silver and gold courses

Join for as long as you need. You can cancel at any time.

What time are the speaking and Q&A classes?

There are lots of different times to choose from and more are being added on a regular basis. If you don’t see a time that is suitable for you, get in touch.

Tuesdays: 18.30 (London, UK time)

Wednesdays: 10.00, 17.15, 18.30 (London, UK time)


Will you check my writing for me?

Yes! In the Diamond membership package you get UNLIMITED feedback on your writing. 

Silver and Gold members can choose to add on writing feedback HERE. You will receive in-depth video feedback on your writing.

What is the community?

In all membership levels, you get access to our Telegram community where you can meet other students and ask Cheryl questions. 

Meet up with other students to practice your speaking.

Ask about any doubts you have while doing your homework tasks.

Get advice from students who have already passed their exam. 

Get access to any bonus classes or materials.

Can I cancel the membership if I want to?

Yes! You can cancel your membership at any time. Everyone has different goals. You can join for as long as you need our support. 

"I was in many academies... I didn't feel motivated to continue...in no place have I learned as much as I learned with Cheryl."

"I've learnt more vocabulary and grammar in the Use of English Challenge than in other English schools."

"I feel like my level has greatly improved."

"I wouldn't have been able to pass this exam with flying colours without her help."

"Cheryl makes studying easier and enjoyable."

"Everything I needed to increase my level of English preparing for CAE."

"focused material that goes straight to the point, ensuring no time is wasted."

"I thank HER for increasing *my* motivation and self-confidence before taking the exam."

"I got a great score, and it wouldn't have been possible without her help."

Cambridge Advanced Accelerator Monthly Membership

Ace your Cambridge Advanced exam fast!

The simple step-by-step system every busy professional should know.

I have no time to study

So you have decided that you want to boost your English to advanced level and do the Cambridge Advanced Exam to prove it. 

But what’s stopping you from booking that exam?

You’re probably a busy professional who wants to speak English fluently and confidently, so that you can improve your career prospects and earn more money.

But you just don’t have time to study hours a day for years and years. Plus, there is just so much confusing information out there. It’s all a bit stressful and overwhelming!


It's overwhelming

You’re someone who really wants to pass the exam but can’t quite seem to master the technique, grammar and vocabulary necessary to do so. There is too much to learn and you don’t know where to start. It’s all very confusing.

You’ve spent decades doing grammar exercises at school and going to a language school twice a week in the evening, but you don’t seem to be making much progress. Forever stuck at B2 level.

Right now you believe that passing the Cambridge Advanced exam will take years of hard work and you just don’t have the time.

In short, you’re an overwhelmed, busy professional who wants results… and you want them now!


Follow a simple step-by-step solution

Imagine for a moment what life would be like if you could:

  • Master the strategy, grammar and vocabulary needed to pass the exam quickly and simply…
  • Understand exactly what you need to do and have someone take you by the hand and walk you step-by-step through how to pass your exam….
  • Discover what your personal weaknesses are and how to turn them into strengths….
  • Know what and when you need to study so that you don’t have to waste hours searching through hundreds of books and websites….
  • Boost your vocabulary to C1+ level with hundreds of new phrasal verbs and expressions…

Would that get you excited?

Well, now you don’t have to imagine!

I’d like to introduce you to “The Cambridge Advanced Accelerator ” which will help you experience all that… and so much more!

“The Cambridge Advanced Accelerator ” helps you quickly and easily learn exactly how to pass the Cambridge Advanced exam using a simple step-by-step process..

Bottom Line: “The Cambridge Advanced Accelerator ” is the easiest, simplest, and fastest way for every overwhelmed, busy professional to succeed with  the Cambridge Advanced Exam.

If you want to smash your exam, join the Cambridge Advanced Accelerator  now!


CAE exam course

Cambridge Advanced Accelerator 2.0

Simple, proven solutions.

Here is everything you get when you join today:

Private 1-1 Coaching

VIP Access to your own mentor

Your own personal mentor in your pocket whenever you need. Get direct access via Telegram and check-in with your mentor whenever you need support or guidance. Your private coach will be working with you closely 1-1 to custom create a study plan and work on your weaknesses. Take the stress out of studying; simply follow your custom study plan.

LIVE Classes

Weekly speaking + Q&A sessions

Unlock the secrets to powerful communication with Cheryl’s exclusive weekly live sessions! Join live every week to hone your exam speaking skills and receive personalized feedback. These sessions provide you with ample opportunities to practice and improve your speaking abilities.

🤝 Interactive Q&A with Cheryl

After each speaking session, dive into a live Q&A with Cheryl. Seize the chance to ask any questions you have about the exam, get valuable insights, and gain the confidence to ace your speaking tests.

Writing Feedback

Weekly Video Feedback on your Writing

  1. Individualized Video Feedback: Every week, you’ll receive personalized video feedback from our expert writing coach. Gain a deeper understanding of your strengths and areas for improvement.

  2. Targeted Improvement Strategies: Uncover the secrets to impactful writing as our coach provides targeted strategies to enhance your style, clarity, and overall effectiveness.

  3. Consistent Progress: With weekly feedback, you’ll experience continuous growth and refinement in your writing skills. Our program is designed to help you evolve into a more confident and skilled writer.

  4. Interactive Learning: Engage in a dynamic learning experience with interactive video feedback that goes beyond written comments. Understand nuances, ask questions, and receive direct advice.

Monthly Masterminds

NEW training every month on the latest Advanced English Exam topics

Get access to the most up-to-date training available, meticulously designed to help you smash your Cambridge Advanced exam. New Masterminds are added every single month.

Access monthly writing makeovers: watch Cheryl transform a student’s writing each month into something that would get an A in the exam. 

Monthly Q&A sessions with an exam expert. Ask questions and get answers from a specialst.

Use of English Challenge

The Expert’s Guide to Use of English: Seriously boost your skills set.

Lifetime access to over 75 training videos + 100s of Use of English Exercises. This is your 3 in 1 exam success course: technique, C1+ grammar and C1+ phrasal verbs and expressions. Get simple, effective strategies to improve your exam technique. Discover proven methods to significantly increase your vocabulary without the overwhelm. Master the essential grammar you need for the Cambridge Advanced Exam. Finally, put everything into practice with hundreds of exam tasks and quizzes. This course has helped more students than any other get a maximum score of 210 in the Use of English exam!

Cambridge Advanced Writing Skills Secrets

Quick and Easy Writing Skills: Tips, Tricks and Tools.

During the Writing Skills Secrets course you get to wach Cambridge exam specialists doing real exam tasks and talking you through the process. Go over the shoulder and see exactly how to anslyse the question, plan and write each paragraph. Then check your writing like a pro, making sure it is ticking all the examiner’s boxes. Use the easy-to-follow templates that you can adaprt to any task. This makes writing faster, easier and pain free! Copy my advanced fixed expressions and grammar structures to impress the examiners. Get access to the vault of writing from students who have successfully passed the exam. Discover the toperrors made by students and how to avoid them. Finally, put everything into practice and do some writing yourself. The CAE writing exam doesn’t have to be difficult, just follow the simple techniques and structures to immediatley boost your scores.

Reading, Listening & Speaking Unlocked

Reading, speaking and listening skills DOMINATION.

Watch Cambridge exam specialists doing real exam tasks and talking you through the process. Go over the shoulder and see exactly how to analyse the question, find distractors and manage your time. Unlock the vault of mock speaking exams from my A scoring students. Master key vocabulary, essential for the speaking exam. Discover the most common topics for the reading, listening and speaking exams and how to boost your vocabulary in these areas. Learn scientifically proven methods to boost your reading speed and improve your critical thinking skills. Dominate the secrets of connected speech that will allow you to understand native speakers in the listening exam.

Phrasal Verb Fluency

Unlock the Power of Phrasal Verbs for English Exams

Master over 250 phrasal verbs with comprehensive video explanations. Explore 20 essential vocabulary topics, focusing on the most common areas tested in the Cambridge Advanced Exam. Immerse yourself in native speaker discussions for each topic. Gain expertise in the grammar and pronunciation required to use phrasal verbs naturally. This course is your key to significantly expanding your vocabulary and excelling in your English exams.

Self-development: Work smarter, not harder

Coming soon

Transform your study habits

In this self-development course we will focus on strategies to make the most of your study time. You’ll learn techniques for effective learning, memory enhancement, overcoming procrastination and implementing proven methods that can help you excel in your English exam. By adopting these approaches, you can transform your study habits and achieve better results in your exams. Discover valuable tips for optimising your study schedule and test-takeing. If you’re facing challenges, you will find a structured collection of practical techniques to guide you in regaining control of your study routing. If you are determined to become better at English and ace your exam, this course will serve as your essential guide to effective time management.

Plus all of these bonuses:

"I was in many academies... I didn't feel motivated to continue...in no place have I learned as much as I learned with Cheryl."

"I've learnt more vocabulary and grammar in the Use of English Challenge than in other English schools."

"I feel like my level has greatly improved."

"I wouldn't have been able to pass this exam with flying colours without her help."

"Cheryl makes studying easier and enjoyable."

"Everything I needed to increase my level of English preparing for CAE."

"focused material that goes straight to the point, ensuring no time is wasted."

"I thank HER for increasing *my* motivation and self-confidence before taking the exam."

"I got a great score, and it wouldn't have been possible without her help."

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